Shamanic, Spiritual Healer & Ceremonial Celebrant
The DreamCatcher
My Services
- Healer and Celebrant
The DreamCatcher
Trey Walther
Shamanic Healer, Spiritual/Energy Healer, Reiki Master
Ceremonial Celebrant
Shamanic Healing
Drum & Rattle Healing; Soul Retrieval, Power Animal Retrieval, Extraction, Psychopomp, Oracular Work.
Shamanism is an ancient form of spiritual healing dating back over thirty-thousand years. Techniques used by many indigenous cultures throughout the world have stood the test of time.
Working with my Spirit Guides & Power animals & healing energies I channel I aim to help restore balance & oneness.
Shamanic healing can be both relaxing and incredibly powerful. It gets straight to the core of where healing is needed but always with a gentleness, compassion and of course for your highest good.
Energy Healing
An Ancient Science
As a Full Healer Member of the N.F.S.H; for over 20 years & a certified alternative healer in Subtle Energy Medicine, I have trained to the highest standards to provide this style of healing.
Healing is carried out by channeling the purest, high vibrational energies, removing blockages & areas where there is Dis- ease and using that energy to restore balance and the natural energy flow within.
It is generally a deeply relaxing and peaceful experience that can have positive and profound effects physically as well as on an emotional and spiritual level.
As an Intuitive Sensitive, I have always had the ability to see some of the internal workings of the body and am then guided to areas that need healing. It is a particular gift that enables me to be more effective as a healer.
There is no condition to great or small that might not benefit from healing and I have experience helping a wide range of conditions from back pain, arthritis, depression and cancer as well as those who have come to me for support with issues regarding weight loss and smoking.
This technique can be used very effectively on animals so I am happy to offer home visits for a pet healing.
-(Whilst I intuitively use a combination of healing techniques, I am happy to use a single method if you would prefer)
Ceremonial Celebrant
Weddings, Vow Renewals, Naming Ceremonies
As a member of the Fellowship of Professional Celebrants I am trained to conduct those special ceremonies and then use my Shamanic & Spiritual training to do so in a incredibly unique way.
Specialising in bringing natural spirituality into your personal ceremony, for those who want to include a holistic or spiritual element to their alternative celebration.
I work with Spirit & powerful energies to create and then hold the space facilitating you to have the ceremony that your heart dreams of and your soul sings out for.
Shamanic Healing
Drum & Rattle Healing; Soul Retrieval, Power Animal Retrieval, Extraction, Psychopomp, Oracular Work.
Shamanism is an ancient form of spiritual healing dating back over thirty-thousand years. Techniques used by many indigenous cultures throughout the world have stood the test of time.
Working with my Spirit Guides & Power animals & healing energies I channel I aim to help restore balance & oneness.
Shamanic healing can be both relaxing and incredibly powerful. It gets straight to the core of where healing is needed but always with a gentleness, compassion and of course for your highest good.
Healing Treatments: £65
(approx. 80 mins)
Energy Healing
An Ancient Science
As a Full Healer Member of the N.F.S.H; for over 20 years & a certified alternative healer in Subtle Energy Medicine and a Reiki practitioner, I have trained to the highest standards to provide this style of healing.
Healing is carried out by channeling the purest, high vibrational energies, removing blockages & areas where there is Dis- ease and using that energy to restore balance and the natural energy flow within.
It is generally a deeply relaxing and peaceful experience that can have positive and profound effects physically as well as on an emotional and spiritual level.
As an Intuitive Sensitive, I have always had the ability to look within the body to psychically, see some of the internal workings and am then guided to those specific areas that need healing. It is a particular gift, I have found enables me to be more effective as a healer.
There is no condition too great or small that might not benefit from healing and I have experience helping a wide range of conditions like: back pain, arthritis, IBS, depression, cancer, emotional issues; as well as those who have come to me for support with issues regarding weight loss and smoking.
I am also a qualified Reiki practitioner & have recently been awarded the highest level of 'REIKI MASTER' in this technique.
N.B: Whilst I intuitively use a combination of healing techniques, I am happy to use a single technique method if you would prefer.
Healing Treatments: £65
(approx. 80 mins)
(Travel to other venues may be possible at additional charge to cover costs but please contact me to discuss this.)
Ceremonial Celebrant
Weddings, Vow Renewals, Naming Ceremonies
As a member of the Fellowship of Professional Celebrants I am trained to conduct a variety of special ceremonies like weddings, vow renewals, child naming's and other ceremonial rites of passage but I then use my Shamanic & Spiritual training to do so in a incredibly unique way.
I Specialise in bringing natural spirituality into your personal ceremony, for those who want to include a holistic or spiritual element to their alternative celebration or rite of passage.
I work with Spirit & powerful energies to create, and then hold the space, facilitating you to have the ceremony that your heart dreams of and your soul sings out for.
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Healing is a healing technique based on the spiritual practice found in cultures all around the world throughout history to the present time. The time honoured techniques and practices have come from all over the world only to discover that their are incredible similarities no matter where it originated from America, Australia, Africa and anywhere inbetween.
I have been lucky to have worked with some incredible teachers over 25 years to be taught a wide variety of shamanic techniques, including rattle healing, drum healing and energy work. I also journey into non-ordinary reality and parts of the subconscious of the client to perform healings of soul retrieval, power animal retrieval (returning those parts of soul energy that become lost their after trauma or illness), extraction of unwanted energies/blocks and cutting of ties procedures.
Working closely within Natural Spirituality and the Native American traditions including the medicine wheel, I draw on my spirit helpers, allies and power animals to bring about healing for the body, spirit and mind. I am guided by them, using subtle energy medicine to bring about a deep healing process that is always in the interests of your highest good.
I tend to combine all the techniques in my toolbag, including the powerful channeling of high vibrational energies with unconditional love to use a combination of healing methods but it will always be guided by spirit and depend on what your soul self needs.
All of these techniques work channeling the universal energies that flow through us and around us. When these energies are out of balance they cause Dis-ease which can lead to disease.
I scan the energies throughout the body and see where blockages or problems exist. My task is to then channel the highest vibrational energies to be able to bring your energies back into a state of balance and wellness.
As a certified N.F.S.H & Alternative Healer, I not only help patients with a variety of illnesses and health conditions but the majority of clients say it as greatly reduced their stress and anxiety, which aids the healing and helps prevent further dis- ease and completes the circle of well-being.
What is Shamanic Healing?
Shamanic Healing is a healing technique based on the spiritual practice found in cultures all around the world throughout history to the present time. The time honoured techniques and practices have come from all over the world only to discover that their are incredible similarities no matter where it originated from America, Australia, Africa and anywhere inbetween.
I have been lucky to have worked with some incredible teachers over 25 years to be taught a wide variety of shamanic techniques, including rattle healing, drum healing and energy work. I also journey into non-ordinary reality and parts of the subconscious of the client to perform healings of soul retrieval, power animal retrieval (returning those parts of soul energy that become lost their after trauma or illness), extraction of unwanted energies/blocks and cutting of ties procedures.
Working closely within Natural Spirituality and the Native American traditions including the medicine wheel, I draw on my spirit helpers, allies and power animals to bring about healing for the body, spirit and mind. I am guided by them, using subtle energy medicine to bring about a deep healing process that is always in the interests of your highest good.
I tend to combine all the techniques in my toolbag, including the powerful channeling of high vibrational energies with unconditional love to use a combination of healing methods but it will always be guided by spirit and depend on what your soul self needs.
All of these techniques work channeling the universal energies that flow through us and around us. When these energies are out of balance they cause Dis-ease which can lead to disease.
I scan the energies throughout the body and see where blockages or problems exist. My task is to then channel the highest vibrational energies to be able to bring your energies back into a state of balance and wellness.
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Trey Walther - Who I Am and What I Do
Who I am and What I Do
It was initially an experience when I was about 4 years old that imprinted a belief that there was more to life than just what one could generally see on the surface (& I knew it wasn't just something I'd imagined).
Many cultures believe Shamans or medicine people are born and their gifts awaken when their Souls become ready. For me,
I was 19 when the world finally started to make sense as I discovered my healing ability thanks to an amazing teacher/healer I met whilst training to be a ballet & dance teacher at the Royal Academy of Dance in London. He inspired me to explore all of who I am be it teacher, healer, artist and finally accept myself as a sensitive too.
I was blessed to find some amazing, well regarded teachers who guided & nurtured me for years to come.
My initial training started through the National Federation of Spiritual Healers & by aged 25 I had trained to become a full healer member.
The foundations I learnt there have proved invaluable & remain the basis for my energy healing. My NFSH trainers happened to also specialise in natural spirituality too, having themselves studied with Lakota elders, amongst others. With them I journeyed along the Red Road & found a spirituality that was a true reflection of my Soul, along with a variety of Shamanic healing techniques I have continued to explore, finding other mentors who themselves trained with world renowned shamanic practitioners.
Over the last 25 years I learnt not just healing but also the importance & power of ritual in ceremony that enriched my own personal development in amazing, incredible ways. I am now lucky enough to answer a calling that requires all the skills I've learnt with ceremony to pass on as Spiritual Celebrant & Ceremonialist for others.
Movement as a means of expression and communication has always been a huge part of my way of being, so about 8 years ago I also learnt British Sign Language, (achieving an NVQ level 3 in BSL) and am currently learning Tai Chi Chen.
Trey Walther - Who I Am and What I Do
It was initially an experience when I was about 4 years old that imprinted a belief that there was more to life than just what one could generally see on the surface (& I knew it wasn't just something I'd imagined).
Many cultures believe Shamans or medicine people are born and their gifts awaken when their Souls become ready.
For me, this happened when I was 19 and slowly, the world finally started to make sense as I discovered my healing ability. Thanks to an amazing teacher and gifted healer I met whilst training to be a ballet & dance teacher at the Royal Academy of Dance in London; he inspired me to explore all of who I am and gave me all the guidance and support as I suddenly discovered this amazing gift.
I was blessed to find some amazing, well regarded teachers who guided & nurtured me for years to come.
My initial training started through the National Federation of Spiritual Healers (N.F.S.H) & by aged 25 I had trained to become a 'N.F.S.H. Full Healer Member'.
The foundations I learnt there have proved invaluable & remain the basis for my energy healing. My NFSH trainers happened to also specialise in natural spirituality too, having personally studied directly with the Lakota elders, amongst others. With them I journeyed along the Red Road & found a spirituality that was a true reflection of my Soul, along with a variety of Shamanic healing techniques I have continued to explore, finding other mentors who themselves trained with world renowned shamanic practitioners. This means I have been blessed with training with some of the top therapists in their field to a very high standard over many years.
I have also added REIKI as an alternative method of healing to my toolbag, which whilst similar, is an equally effective technique that is perhaps more generally known and accepted as a healing method, mainly because people have heard more about it. I'm pleased to say I've recently been awarded the highest level and am qualified as a Reiki Master.
Over the last 25 years I learnt not just healing but also the importance & power of ritual in ceremony that enriched my own personal development in amazing, incredible ways.
I am now lucky enough to answer a calling that requires all the skills I've learnt with ceremony, to pass on in my role as a Spiritual Celebrant & Ceremonialist for others. Adding a true spiritual element to these ceremonies can have a profound effect that adds to the occasion in ways words can't quite convey.
Movement as a means of expression and communication has always been a huge part of my way of being, so about 8 years ago I also learnt British Sign Language, (achieving an NVQ level 3 in BSL). This means that Deaf clients are also most welcome.
I believe that profound change is possible through healing and have witnessed the amazing possibilities time and again. The world we live in deals mainly within the realms of body and mind; so much so we sometimes forget we are equally spirit. Spirit without regard to gender, sexuality, abilities, creed, colour or religion. The work I do is primarily spiritual in nature but that doesn't mean it isn't real or tangible, as I and countless others, have seen the positive benefits this way of working can impact on physical, emotional and mental well-being.
I am someone who has questioned everything from a myriad points of view and it's only by doing so, have I come to a place of belief and acceptance. Always question but remember to do so with an open heart and mind so you might hear the answer when it comes.
I have walked the long dark night of the soul and come out the other side stronger for it; and it has at times been incredibly challenging to fight for a different way of being. I understand the challenges because I have lived them in so many ways having experienced chronic physical pain, emotional pain, mental distress and spiritual disconnection. It not only gave me a better understanding of who I really am with my soul purpose but also a deep insight and compassion for other people.
I continually work on my own personal development so I can further my own understanding, grow as a person and be the 'hollow bone' described by Frank Fools Crow, (be the clearest possible channel I can for the healing energies) & also the special ceremonies I create for others.
I also believe that ceremonies conducted within the presence of Spirit, are important rites of passage.
So many of us have lost the understanding of true ceremony and the importance it has in our lives. I want to enable people to feel that their ceremony was so much more than a special day or the words said. Bringing in the spiritual element can create a profound experience that answers the call of Soul to those who yearn for something more.
Spiritual ceremony done with reverence, joy and unconditional love can give a deeper meaning and provide a uniquely empowering experience, not only to those at the heart of the ceremony for that magical day or in ways that can carry them through their lives. Such a ceremony can also have the most amazing ripples that include everyone else there; so that they really feel they were a part of the ceremony rather than just spectators.
Whilst many people have reported physical and/or emotional benefits from attending Healing sessions & find the sessions a very relaxing experience; I cannot promise or guarantee any particular result. The information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice. Readers are advised to consult a qualified health practitioner before adopting any of the suggestions or undertaking any treatments.
For more information about The DreamCatcher and any of the services mentioned or to book an appointment, please call or email me.
07880 728702
Pinewood Park